Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Subconscious mind and health

How Relaxation can help your health with respect to Heartfulness relation and meditation technique

 I am lean and was very weak. I often fall in to sick either cold or fever. I was always suffering from sinus.
I tried many medicines and found Homeopathy was working very well until few years back ad not after that. It was effective because of the doctor who diagnose it. My problem stared again. After one year (2103) I found another medicine Single point Accu touch therapy. There they read my pulse and touched single point. That is it! I felt lot of vibration on few point in my body and they strictly suggested few lifestyle
1.       I have to sleep by 10 or 10.30 pm
2.      Eat only when I am hungry and eat right quantity which is not more than my hunger.
I underwent this medication for about 2 months and it worked magically for me. I was completely cured and recovered.
What was they have done? Accu therapy corrects your flow of energy in the body and correct it. It is something related to your subtle body.
How working on your mind and subtle body can help you? It helps lot. Try with Heartfulness Relaxation technique and Meditation. It has special feature of ‘Pranahuti’ which effectively works on you. This is scientific and reproducible. When below simple relaxation can cure your cancer then Heartfulness will have much impact on your body, mind and consciousness.

Please read the image and highlighted whispers.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015 – 10:00 a.m.
Every day constitutes a step in this unprecedented mystical advancement whose action is aimed at what is essential. The loyalty of the beings who serve this Mission is important. Everything depends on the spiritual work of the living Masters and those who preceded them – by whose grace solid foundations were established, making this Mission what it is today. The future will give it its full scope and a power that is difficult to assess today. The human being of the future will have an even greater need for a simple method that can be easily accessed in order to connect to reality – a reality from which humans are moving further and further away, as they are so very engrossed in a technology that devastates their subtle bodies. This fact is alarming and not perceived by the medicine of today, which is largely focused on the physical body. Sahaj Marg helps our abhyasis without their knowledge, one might say. May the practice act more and more upon a large number and thus meet our dearest wishes.”
Babuji Maharaj